Friday, 22 March 2013

CASTING NEWS: Kate Winslet Confirmed as 'Jeanine' in Divergent

We pretty much knew Kate was on-board after Summit tweetgate back in January, and now we have the confirmation!

From EW: Summit Entertainment confirms (finally!) that Kate Winslet will indeed star as Jeanine Matthews in the Neil Burger directed YA thriller, Divergent.

From Veronica Roth: "Okay, so you may have seen/heard rumors of this already, so it's not exactly newnews, but it is Officially Official, which means that I can tell you my thoughts.

KATE WINSLET has been cast as Jeanine Matthews!

What can I say? When I found out, I was floored. I grew up watching Kate Winslet in movies, whether it was Titanic or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or The Reader, and she is an incredible actress, and I am sure that she will beextraordinary as Jeanine. I'm excited to see the complexity and depth she'll bring to the role.

That was me containing my fangirling.
(That was me not containing my fangirling.)"

Bless you, Veronica. We fan girl-ed pretty hard so we can only imagine what it was like for you.

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