Thursday, 20 February 2014

3 NEW Behind the Scenes Stills From DIVERGENT

Go Tris! Here are 3 new pictures from behind the scenes of DIVERGENT filming. The first (top) features Tris being carried in celebration by Dauntless initiates. The second (below) is from the zip-line stunt. The third (bottom) is from the jump into Dauntless HQ. Crazy!! The last two appear to be of Shailene's Woodley's stunt double, Alicia Vela-Bailey, who chats about working on the DIVERGENT set and with Shailene in an interview after the cut:

Interview with Divergent's stunt woman Alicia Vela-Bailey: 
Q: How much time did you spend with Shailene Woodley on set? 

AVB: I spent a lot of time with Shai. We helped her train almost everyday for about 6 weeks or so before filming. And once we started filming I think I saw her just about everyday I was on set! She is so wonderful to work with. So sweet, beautiful soul, and has such a positive attitude. It was such a pleasure to work with her.

Q: What did you enjoy most while Divergent was in Production?

AVB: I enjoyed getting to know the cast and crew! Everyone was so nice to work with on set, it made it not feel like work sometimes. Working together for months at a time, you start to feel like a family a little bit. Making new friends, creating new bonds and memories, makes it even more enjoyable being on set.

Read the full interview at CorrienteLatina

Photo: Jaap Buitendijk - © 2013 Summit Entertainment, LLC.


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