Monday, 20 May 2013

INTERVIEW: Theo James in Vanity Fair (2011)

Here's an old interview with Theo from Vanity Fair magazine from back in October 2011:

"He made a big impact in a smallish part as the swishy, smouldering Turkish toff in Downton Abbey. Theo James's legion of admirers would perhaps be horrified to hear not only that he used to box while a philosophy student in Nottingham University but also, and surely much worse, that he's started boxing again. What about the face? "Well it's great for your fitness and coordination," he says "But I'm still just a lanky dork. Ironically learning to box doesn't make you any tougher, it just makes you realise that if you actually got into a real fight you'd probably get your arse kicked." Having two brothers and two sisters provides another source of perspective. Against the sighs of admiration coming from fans of Downton Abbey, You will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger, Bedlam and A Passionate Woman, Theo has to contend with his siblings more, shall we say, measured criticism, "One of my sisters saw an ad for something I was in and said 'Yeah, the ad looks great, you look like Quincy.' And I said 'Quincy! Which Quincy?' And she said 'You know, our Quincy - the family dog."
He may however have the last laugh - any canine likeness, along with boxing skills, might just come in handy in his upcoming role role alongside Kate Beckinsale in the vampire versus werewolf adventure Underworld:Awakening"

Source | Via TheoJames.Org

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