Thursday 22 August 2013

VIDEO: Watch a Preview of the First Official Teaser Trailer For Divergent!

"What makes you different, makes you dangerous."

Check out this AWESOME preview video ahead of the full teaser trailer released this Sunday! Unless you were at Comic Con, this is our first real look at the movie, and we have to say; it's blown us away. It more than meets our expectations. While it is technically just a preview, its almost good enough to be classed as a teaser trailer in its own right. We get to see many of the main characters, and a glimpse at pretty epic scenes. The shots are all beautiful, and its kept the mature feel the books have. A big thumbs up.

Watch MTV's VMAs pre-show this Sunday at 8pm ET for a first look at the full trailer.

Screencaps posted the cut:


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If you were around for filming back in April, you may remember this set photo on the left taken at navy pier. Check out the blue lights! Seems to be from the scene shown in the teaser

 Us right now:

Go 'Like' the video on facebook HERE

Below: MTV Video of the teaser.

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