Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Movie Tie-in Edition of DIVERGENT Out NOW

The official movie tie-in editions of DIVERGENT are out now! For those unfamiliar, the movie tie-in books are no different to the original Divergent novels, except they come with brand spanking new sexy covers in honor of the movie soon to be released. We can't wait to add these to our collection!

Related: 'Inside DIVERGENT: The Initiates World' Out Now - 100+ New Photos From the Movie

The US version features Tris on the cover, and Four on the back. The UK gets a bit luckier, they get the same version plus one with the official poster cover. However, Target in the US is selling a version that comes with a movie poster signed by Shailene Woodley and Theo James, and Walmart's comes with a poster of the cast. See below for details.

Purchase Links:

UK: Tris Cover: Amazon 
Full Cast Cover: Waterstones | Book Depository | WHSmith

US: Tris Cover: Amazon | Walmart (with cast poster) | Barnes and Noble | Target (with signed movie poster) | Chapters Indigo


  1. I bought my movie tie-in version today and the Target version also comes with a free movie ticket to see Divergent, aside from the poster!!! (It comes with $8 dollars worth of fandango cash for a Divergent movie ticket!)

  2. How popular are movies? Well, the keyword "movies" boasts a mind boggling 1.1 billion and growing number of searches on Google's search engine alone. moviebox apk
